Some cities in East Java have a bit different characteristics when it comes to using the Javanese language in daily life. These five areas are Surabaya, Madiun, Malang, Banyuwangi, and Madura. Jamjiwa is possible to translate the Javanese language from one area to another, for example, from Surabaya to Malang, or from Banyuwangi to Malang. Additionally, it is possible to translate the Javanese language used in all five areas into Indonesian (bahasa).
View it’s repo here : https://github.com/albugowy15/jamjiwa
Tech Stack
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output. It adds optional static typing, classes, and modules to JavaScript. TypeScript helps me to write cleaner code and avoid bugs. It also helps me to write code faster and more efficiently.
I use full stack Next.js for Jamjiwa. Next.js is a React framework that helps me to build a server-side rendered React application. Next.js is a great framework for Jamjiwa because it helps me to build a Jamjiwa website with a fast Server side rendering.
Create a complex and responsive UI with Tailwind. Tailwind is a utility-first CSS framework that helps me to build a Jamjiwa website with a clean and complex UI.
I use PostgreSQL for Jamjiwa because it is a powerful and open source database system. PostgreSQL is also a great database system for Jamjiwa because it is a relational database system.
Prisma is an open-source ORM for Node.js and TypeScript. Prisma helps me to build a Jamjiwa website with a clean and complex database system.
This project can be carried out smoothly and very well thanks to the support and cooperation of my friends
We deploy this project in Vercel. You can check it here : https://jamjiwa.vercel.app